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International Cooperation
 RER Regional Projects
RER 0043Enhancing Capacity Building Activities in the European Nuclear and Radiation Safety Organizations for Safe Operation of Facilities
IAEA RER / 2/017Small Modular Reactor Deployment within the Framework of Low Carbon Strategies and the Paris Agreement
RER2020003 / RER2018Analysing Low Carbon Pathways towards an Ambitious Decarbonized Energy Sector by 2050
RER2020012 / RER9160Strengthening Capabilities on Safety Assessment and Risk Informed Decision Making for Severe Accidents and Off Site Consequences
RER2020021 / RER1022Enhancing Utilization and Safety of Research Reactors
RER2020039 / RER0049Enhancing the Capacities of Educational Institutions for the Sustainable use of Nuclear Technologies
RER2020042/RER9159Enhancing the Application of the Principles of Radiation Protection to Control the Exposure of the Public
RER 2/025Small Modular Reactor deployment within the framework of low carbon strategies
 IAEA National Projects
ROM9/038Further Support for Improving the Long Term Safe Management of the Present Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel and for Fast Reactors (2020-2021)
ROM 007Supporting a Refueling Simulator and Nuclear Knowledge Management Tool
ROM 2/010Strengthening National Capabilities to License Advanced Nuclear Systems (SMR and ALFRED)
 Coordinated Research Projects (CRP)
CRP I31032IAEA Agreement: Neutronics Simulations of the CEFR Start-up Tests using Monte Carlo computer codes (SERPENT 2, MCNPX)
CRP T13017Management of Waste Containing Long-lived Alpha Emiters: Characterization, Processing and Storage
CRP Nr. 24320Characterization of spent CANDU type fuel in view of long term storage and final disposal
CRP 18729Benchmarking Activities on Fuel Burnup and Material Activation with Computational Tools and Data Available at TRIGA Romania
CRP 131038Benchmark of Transition from Forced to Natural Circulation Experiment with Heavy Liquid Metal Loop
CRP T13021Challenges and Gaps for Managing Spent Fuel from Small Modular Reactors based on LWR and LFR proposed to be implemented in Romania
 International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO)
 Proiecte colaborative si activitati Task 1 “Global Scenarios”
CENESOComparative Evaluation of Nuclear Energy System Options
ROADMAPSRoadmaps for a Transition to Globally Sustenable Nuclear Energy System
KINDKey Indicators for Innovative Nuclear Energy
SYNERGIESSynergetic Nuclear Energy Regional Group Interactions Evaluated for Sustainability
Develop and implement INPRO Task 1 Service to Member StatesScenario Modelling and Decision Analysis Tools to support Sustainable Development Planning for Nuclear Energy Systems (“Analysis Support for Enhanced Nuclear Energy Sustainability” – ASENES)
ASENES SMRSustainable Deployment Scenarios for Small Modular Reactors: A Study supported by the INPRO Service ASENES
 Cooperation Projects in the framework of INPRO Task 2 “Innovations”
FANESNuclear Fuel and Fuel Cycle Analysis for Future NES
WIRAFWaste from Innovative Types of Reactors and Fuel Cycle
 Activities carried out in the framework of Task 3 “Sustainability Assessment and Strategies”
NESA Economics Support Tool (NEST) UpdateProduce a new version of the Nuclear Economics Support Tool (NEST)
INPROFramework for Modelling Energy Systems, FRAMES
 Activities carried out in the framework of Task 4 “DIALOGUE AND OUTREACH”
Dialogue Forum on Global Nuclear Energy SustainabilityThrough this dialogue, technology holders can better understand the needs and concerns of technology users and technology users can better understand the possibilities and limitations of technologies and services provided by technology holders.
INPRO Training ActivitiesA comprehensive training programme (the INPRO School) covering all key aspects, services, tools and activities from all INPRO Tasks and aiming to assist the Member States in their long range and strategic planning of nuclear energy program as part of country’s energy mix.
E-learning and Distance Learning Tools to support INPRO TrainingThe Online Assist Training combines features of the self-education e-learning course and on-line consultation via the web conferencing software, led by external experts and dedicated IAEA staff through the IAEA Learning Management System platform.
 The Practical Arrangements agreement between the International Atomic Energy Agency,Viena (IAEA) and the Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti (RATEN ICN), in the field of nuclear safety, was signed in September 2016, and was renewed in 2019 for another 3 years. The agreement creates the framework for international assistance, in terms of the training required for carrying out activities for infrastructure development, and for starting the preliminary activities for the construction of nuclear installations.
 IAEA oferă sprijin laboratoarelor din cadrul reţelei ALMERA (Network of Analytical Laboratories for the Measurement of Environmental Radioactivity), prin dezvoltarea şi validarea de metode radioanalitice şi prin organizarea de exerciţii de intercomparare, menite să testeze performanţele acestora, în scopul de a putea furniza rezultate care să fie acceptate la nivel internaţional, atât în condiţii normale de operare, cât şi în condiţii de urgenţă.
RANET (Response Assistance Network) facilitează furnizarea de asistență internațională, în condițiile în care aceasta este solicitată de către un stat, ca urmare a producerii unui accident nuclear sau a unei urgențe radiologice, indiferent de originea acesteia.
 · Instruiri pentru bursieri IAEA (in tematicile: securitate nucleară, fabricare combustibil, reactori de cercetare, radioprotecție)
· Participarea la cursuri, workshopuri, intruniri tehnice
· Reprezentarea RATEN în grupuri tehnice de lucru: membru observator din partea Romaniei in Group on Fast ReactorsTechnical Working Group on Fast Reactors TWG-FR
 Technical Committees/Coordination Committees
CSNICommittee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations – Dr. Dumitru Barbos
NLCNuclear Law Committee – Prof. Dr. Ing. Serban Constantin Valeca
 Working Groups
WGRISKWorking Group on Risk Assessment – Dr. Mirela Nitoi
WGIAGEWorking Group on Integrity and Ageing of Components and Structures – Dr. Dumitru Barbos
WGAMAWorking Group on Analysis and Management of Accidents – Dr. Minodora Apostol
WGHOFWorking Group on Human and Organisational Factors – Dr. Mita Farcasiu
WPNEWorking Party on Nuclear Energy Economics – Dr. Cristina Alice Margeanu
WPRSWorking Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems – Dr. Cristina Alice Margeanu
CLAY CLUBWorking Group on the Characterisation, the Understanding and the Performance of Argillaceous Rocks as Repository Host Formations – Dr. Daniela Diaconu
 Expert Groups
ARFEMExpert Group on Advanced Reactor Systems and Future Energy Market Needs – Dr. Marin Constantin
EGPRSExpert Group on Physics of Reactor Systems – Dr. Mirea Mladin
EGRTSExpert Group on Radiation Transport and Shielding – Dr. Cristina Alice Margeanu
SALT CLUBExpert Group on Repositories in Rock Salt Formations – Dr. Alice Ionescu
CRCExpert Group on Geological Repositories in Crystalline Rock Formations – Crystalline Club – Dr. Alice Ionescu


The efforts made by the specialists within RATEN ICN in the development of the LFR supply chain materialized in the following achievements:

  • Approval (February 2011) by the Romanian Government of the Memorandum 2925 / 03.02.2011 on “Construction in Romania of the lead-cooled nuclear demonstration reactor, ALFRED”;
  • Framing the collaboration agreement for the establishment of the FALCON consortium (2013), based on the discussions between ICN, Ansaldo Nucleare and ENEA. The consortium was designed to coordinate the preparatory activities for the implementation of the ALFRED demonstrator in Romania;
  • Signing the FALCON consortium agreement between RATEN ICN, ANSALDO and ENEA (December 18, 2013).Ceremonia de semnare a acordului consortiului FALCON
  • Approval by the Romanian Government (January 2014) of the Memorandum on the construction of the ALFRED reactor, including the choice of the reference site on the Mioveni nuclear platform, provisions on measures to identify funding sources and the establishment of the inter-ministerial working group dedicated to the project;
  • Submission of the iCRADLE proposal by RATEN ICN together with ENEA Italy and CVR Czech Republic, for the inclusion of ALFRED and the associated infrastructure in the ESFRI list (2016);
  • Recognition of ALFRED as a major project (2016), for inclusion in the Competitiveness Operational Program;
  • Inclusion of ALFRED in the Smart Specialization Strategy of the South Muntenia Region and in the national Roadmap of research infrastructures;
  • Explicit inclusion of the ALFRED demonstrator in the national research-development-innovation (RDI) strategy 2014-2020. The national plan for RDI (2015-2020), added ALFRED as a major European project, of national importance; the addition of a new sub-program, dedicated to the ALFRED demonstrator;
  • Creation of CESINA partnership (May 2017), in the field of research and education for advanced nuclear systems;
  • Within the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014 - 2020 (competition corresponding to 2018 and concluded in February 2019), the project ALFRED - Phase 1, support research infrastructure was submitted: ATHENA (pool installation for experiments and thermohydraulic tests) and ChemLab ( laboratory for lead chemistry). ” On July 6, 2020, the financing contract was signed at the headquarters of the Ministry of European Funds. The project has an implementation duration of 42 months (2020 - 2023).
  • Within the competition PNCDI III - Program 5.5 - ALFRED Project, the PRO ALFRED Project - Activities for preparing the realization of the ALFRED research infrastructure in Romania was financed by contract no. 5 / 18.09.2019 concluded with the Ministry of Research and Innovation.

In the framework of FALCON consortium there are 8 groups of experts, which carry out activities in the following areas: Research-development and qualification (RD&Q - manager ENEA), Authorization (LIC - manager RATEN ICN), Design (DES - manager ANSALDO Nucleare), Implementation of support infrastructure mP - RATEN ICN manager), Education and Training (E&T - RATEN ICN manager), FALCON consortium expansion (FLC - ANSALDO Nucleare manager), European Affairs (EUA), ALFRED as a major project (MP - RATEN ICN manager).

COG CANADA The collaboration agreement between Candu Owners Group (COG) and RATEN covers areas of interest for the operation of CANDU 6 type of reactors. COG proposed a new collaboration formula by carrying out research and development projects in partnership, through NEA OECD, in the fields of: Radioactive waste management; Radiological emergencies..
DoE SUA In 1999, the "Agreement for the Exchange of Information and Collaboration in the Field of Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy" was signed between Romania and USA, which offered the possibility of collaboration in the following topics: Innovative Generation IV systems and small modular reactors (SMR); Radioactive waste management. On October 9, 2020, the US Secretary of State for Energy Dan Brouillette and the Romanian Minister of Economy, Energy and Business Environment Virgil Popescu signed an intergovernmental agreement for cooperation to expand and modernize Romania's civilian nuclear program. In addition to the use of US expertise and technology in the construction of Units 3 and 4 and the refurbishment of Unit 1 at Cernavoda NPP, the Agreement provides for long and very long cooperation through the possibility of developing small modular reactors in Romania, on a site to be established, in order to ensure the flexibility and scalability of nuclear technologies in the future. The agreement also proposes cooperation in areas such as nuclear regulation, exchanges between research laboratories and universities, staff training, and nuclear research and development. The International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI) was established by the Office of Nuclear Energy in 2001 to conduct research and development with international partners in key areas on the development of advanced nuclear energy systems. Current I-NERI collaborators include the Republic of Korea, the European Union and Canada. RATEN ICN participated in the EURATOM - US INERI project: "LFR in Regional Energy Markets:" Safety, Sustainability, and Economic Assessment ".
CEA FRANCE The first bilateral collaboration agreement between ICN and CEA, signed in 2008, opened possibilities for collaboration on topics such as: Nuclear Energy, Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning of nuclear installations. The second nuclear science and technology collaboration agreement, used for peaceful purposes, concluded on 28 February 2018, reflects the interest of French partners to continue cooperation with ICN and focuses on the current priorities of common interest of those two institutes. Under the new agreement, special emphasis was placed by the two centers on cooperation in the field of Generation IV Reactors. The collaboration framework with CEA opens the possibility of co-tutoring doctoral theses (CEA and a university in Romania), funded by the French side, the areas of interest being: reprocessing, lead corrosion, cement waste conditioning, and storage aspects of waste. FRAMATOME also stated its interest in supporting the completion of doctoral theses in co-tutoring. Access to certain calculation codes developed by CEA is an important benefit for RATEN ICN specialists.
IRSN Access to certain computer codes (ICARE-CATHARE, ASTEC) is an important benefit for RATEN ICN specialists.
SCK CEN – Belgium The cooperation was formalized in 2009 through a Memorandum of Understanding, laying the foundations for the development of a close cooperation in the fields: Nuclear safety; Reactors and research infrastructure; Generation IV Reactors; Radioactive waste management; Nuclear education and training.
Trilateral Collaboration Agreement (ACT) between Mansoura University (Egypt), University of Pitesti (Romania) and RATEN ICN (Romania) ACT was signed on September 17, 2018, with a duration of 5 years and it is intended to facilitate the human resources training (students, graduates, teaching staff, qualified staff) in the field of Nuclear Technology and Radiation, on specific topics of interest: Nuclear Safety; Radiation protection; Reactor physics; Characterization of nuclear materials; Management of activities involving radioactive materials, Management of radiological risks; Modeling of nuclear energy systems within the national energy mix. The collaboration also aims at joint scientific and teaching activities, as well as the joint organization of scientific events in the field.
IUCN DUBNA – Russian Federation Between IUCN Dubna and RATEN ICN, two cooperation protocols were signed, Protocol 4725-4-18-20 (2018-2020), respectively Protocol 4422-4-15-17 (2015-2017).
KAERI - South Korea The cooperation agreement was signed in 2006 and aims to collaborate in the following areas: Nuclear fuels; Nuclear safety. Combustibili nucleari; Securitate nucleara.
The Sustainable Nuclear Technology Platform (SNETP) was established in September 2007 as a platform for research, development and innovation to support and promote the safe, reliable and efficient operation of second, third and fourth generation nuclear systems.
The Alliance for Nuclear Generation II and III (NUGENIA) is dedicated to the research and development of nuclear fission technologies, with a focus on Generation II and III nuclear power plants.
The European Sustainable Nuclear Industry Initiative (ESNII) addresses the need to demonstrate next-generation fast neutron reactor technologies, together with support for the research infrastructure, fuel installations and research and development.
Established in 2006 and being an independent legal entity since 2011, the European Technical Safety Organizations Network (ETSON) conducts technical security assessment in support of national authorities and contributes to improving the harmonization of security assessment practices in Europe.ETSON), realizează evaluarea tehnică a securitatii în sprijinul autorităților naționale, si contribuie la obiectivul îmbunătățirii armonizării practicilor de evaluare a securitatii în Europa.
The Joint Programme on Nuclear Materials of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA-JPNM) coordinates research and development in Europe towards the development and qualification of innovative materials solutions to increase the safety and efficiency of nuclear reactors, enabling the design of GenIV systems.EERA-JPNM) coordonează cercetarea și dezvoltarea în Europa către dezvoltarea și calificarea soluțiilor inovatoare de materiale, pentru a spori siguranța și eficiența reactoarelor nucleare, permițând proiectarea sistemelor GenIV.
The Implementing Geological Disposal of radioactive waste Technology Platform (IGD-TP) is dedicated to initiating and carrying out European strategic initiatives to facilitate the stepwise implementation of safe and deep geological disposal of spent fuel, high-level waste and other long-lived radioactive waste.
The European Network on Neutron Techniques Standardization