- To maintain and develop technical support capacities for the CANDU Unit at Cernavoda NPP for the safe lifetime operation;
- Lead cooled reactors knowledge, competencies and expertise development to generate contributions on the GEN IV reactors development, particularly on the ALFRED project;
- To provide technical support for the safe operation of the TRIGA reactors.
- Reactor physics and thermo-hydraulic analysis;
- Calculation methods and computer code development;
- Nuclear safety analyses;
- Reactor physics instrumentation and experiments;
- Nuclear fuel design, optimization and behavior modeling;
- Fuel and materials tests design and experimental data evaluation.
Main experimental activities
- Bonner spheres neutron spectrometer
- MAXSIMA project (Methodology, Analysis and eXperiments for the “Safety In MYRRHA Assessment)
- TRIGA-SSR thermal column reconfiguration and ∑∑ standard spectrum system implementation in the thermal column of TRIGA-SSR reactor
- Educational and training activities at TRIGA research reactor include Internship for students
- Various experiments with neutron sources in laboratory arrangements using the graphite block
Main simulation activities
- Reactor physics analyses for standard and different advanced fuel types in CANDU reactors
- Thermal-hydraulics analyses for standard and different advanced fuel types in CANDU reactors
- Studies on standard and innovative CANDU fuel including geological disposal
- Severe accidents studies
- Neutron physics and thermal-hydraulic calculations for TRIGA operation
- PSA studies for TRIGA facility
- Neutron physics and safety analysis for the MAXSIMA project
- International benchmarking activities for research reactors
- Analyses for lead cooled and Gen. IV reactors
- Refueling CANDU simulator realization
- Thermo-mechanical analysis
- Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Risk Management for nuclear installations
Contact person CS III Mirea MLADIN, e-mail: mirea.mladin@nuclear.ro