Safety analysis for in-core fuel testing
As part of the nuclear power plant fuel qualification, in-pile testing of fabricated fuel specimens is done in research reactors. Specific irradiation devices have to be designed and licensed for the operation inside the reactor. Some of these devices can be complex installations involving forced circulation and a series of particular systems. Licensing involves safety analysis including a set of safety cases connected to malfunction of equipment or human errors. Postulated accident scenarios will have to be analyzed using dedicated computer tools for quantifying parameters such as pressure, temperature or possible degradation states of the device and of the test fuel, and interaction with reactor systems. Safety analysis training will offer:
– Modelling of the irradiation device circuit and test fuel using RELAP5;
– Calculating safety cases such as: overpower, rupture of the device entailing loss of pressure, loss of cooling, etc.
Exemplification of safety analysis will be done for Loop A 100 kW associated with the TRIGA 14 MW reactor.
Human Factor Analysis for Research Reactors
The human factor analysis offers the opportunity for improving the human-machine system interfaces, reliability and safety. The goal of this analysis is to obtain the understanding and documenting of all important factors that affect human performance. In order to realize it, the following training topics are included:
– Human factor concept;
– Human reliability concept;
– Incorporation of human factor analysis in accident sequence analysis;
– Types of human interactions and human errors;
– Methods and tools used in the human performance analysis;
– Human-machine-organization system analysis;
– Case study: human performance analysis for TRIGA research reactor.