The Institute for Nuclear Research (RATEN ICN) in collaboration with the Academy of Romanian Scientists and the Technical Sciences Academy of Romania, under the auspieces of the Romanian Academy, organized during 29-31 May 2024, at the RAMADA Conference Center, the 15th edition of the Biennial International Conference „Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education” – NUCLEAR 2024.
The NUCLEAR 2024 conference joined national, European and international efforts to promote and support the role of nuclear energy in achieving climate and energy security goals, as well as raising the awareness of all parties involved or interested in the latest achievements in the development of innovative technologies.
The proceedings of the conference were opened by important representatives of international organizations, local and national authorities, the scientific and university community. The following addressed their messages: Mr. Tudor Prisecariu - MCID State Secretary, Mr. Cantemir Ciurea-Ercău - CNCAN President, Mr. Cristian Gentea - Mayor of Pitesti and Mr. Mihnea Costoiu - rector of the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest. Among those who spoke on behalf of international organizations, it is worth mentioning Roger Garbil – European Commission, Vladimir Kriventsev – IAEA Vienna, Stefano Monti – ENS Brussels and Gabriel Pavel Lazaro – ENEN.
The event attracted over 200 participants from our country and abroad (Belgium, Italy, France, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Brazil, USA, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia). The papers presented addressed topical issues on: advanced reactors and innovative systems including SMR and Gen IV, nuclear safety and severe accidents, nuclear reactors and nuclear fuels, nuclear technologies and materials, radioactive waste management, radiation protection, environmental protection, policies and nuclear strategies, research infrastructure, nuclear energy and society, education.